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"Her memory swirled back. She
found herself lying naked on a brilliantly glowing rectangular table. her
limbs were slightly spread to the side and she was motionless. Paralysed.
Her next memory is of her knees bent upwards and her legs are slowly being
parted. A face becomes visible in front of her. Its shape is unambiguously
alien; a humanoid possessing huge eyes, a vestigial nose, and no ears or
hair. It is staring into her eyes and she is powerless to look away or
flee. Terror is rising in her. The alien says nothing. A clear tube is
placed at the entrance to her womb. There is fluid in the tube with little
round things, presumably embryos or soft eggs floating down it. She wakes
screaming and the doctor is there to try to calm her. He remarks on her
deep trauma and inspects a bruise on her arm. In the aftermath of these
remarks, she repeatedly relives the experience and the horrific image of
the alien even though she has been sedated. When she looks in the mirror
later she discovers a second mark on her forehead beneath her hair. Combined
with dramatic changes in her behaviour, it is obvious evidence of a mind
control operation."
This story of alien abduction will
undoubtedly sound very familiar to most UFO buffs. The staring alien and
the embryo implantation should lead some to guess it is post-Communion
and post-Intruders, a case from the late 1980s or early 1990s.
In truth, this account is a description
of a segment of the 1980 British film Inseminoid (released in the
U.S. under the title Horror Planet). It is little known and can't
be found in some film catalogues.
Phil Hardy, science fiction film historian,
considers the film a failure because of vapid, one-dimensional characters
and an absence of narrative clarity. However film historian Kim Newman
singles it out as one of the best of a group of Alien rip-offs.
Its hectic lunacy reminded him of kids rushing around with plastic bags
over their heads playing spaceman. The influence of Alien more involves
the look of the film than the plot. Subsequent to the impregnation scene,
the film is an almost formulaic killfest, a rip-off of dozens of slasher
Inseminoid presents a conundrum
for those who believe in the reality of alien abduction accounts. It shouldn't
exist. Read David Jacob's Secret Life (1992). According to this
book science fiction movies have never portrayed aliens that were uncommunicative
or that refused to discuss their origins, missions, or methods. "Nor have
any shown aliens collecting eggs and sperm from their human victims with
the intent of producing hybrid offspring." Inseminoid comes close
enough since Secret Life also describes embryo implantation accounts.
His more general claim that "none has been released with themes or events
similar to abduction accounts" is refuted in a dozen ways by Inseminoid.
Let's limit ourselves to motifs that
Inseminoid shares with just the abduction cases in Jacob's own book:
nakedness, paralysis, examination table (high tech - nonwooden; plasticlike
or metallic), staring/eye contact, parting the legs, insemination, little
round things, huge eyes, human-like face, human-like body with two arms
and two legs and an upright stance, a business-like or clinical manner
(unaggressive and unrushed), no communication, doorway amnesia, reliving
the terror and imagery.
Jacobs' unawareness of Inseminoid
allows him to deny that there are any possible science fiction cultural
sources for abductees to draw upon for the experiences they report. While
this is now clearly proven false, there is a rather obvious rejoinder he
can legitimately offer. So what? Few people ever saw this film. It isn't
credible that all his abductees are drawing on forgotten memories of this
film. More, the context of the scene is unfavourable for recurrent borrowing
since it does not involve a saucer visitation but happens in the tomb-like
complex of an extinct race on a frigid, distant world in a binary star
All true, but direct lineal descent
isn't the only possibility. Inseminoid after all did not spring
from a vacuum, but was a product of the human imagination and culture.
The similarities could reflect a type of convergent evolution involving
common ancestry, common processes, and adaptions to similar environments
or selection pressures. How might this work with the cluster of similarities
shared by Inseminoid and Secret Life?
Paralysis is a constant of nightmares
and they are a resource for horror writers. Abductees often have nightmares.
Faces, often grotesque and felt as alien, are also a recurrent feature
of nightmares (see Peter McKellar's Abnormal Psychology, 1989, p.92).
Large eyes are a recurrent feature of horror imagery with deep psychological
roots (see my article 'Eye -yi-yi' in Magonia November 1991).
Communion's best-seller status
cultivated a cultural environment seeded with material borrowed from the
genre of horror he worked in and from which Inseminoid was a part. This
favoured the recurrence of the staring eyes and scary forms of sex. Emotionless
aliens have a long history and we need only mention the status of Invasion
of the Body Snatchers as but the most widely known source of influence.
Procreation is a common concern found
in fictional aliens. A screenwriter back in 1925 did a rewrite of H. G.
Wells' War of the Worlds involving abduction for the creation of
an earthling-Martian hybrid, but it was never filmed. The film tradition
relevant here includes Devil Girl from Mars (1955), The Mysterians
(1957), I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958), The Outer
Limits' 'The Children of Spider County' (1964), Frankenstein Meets
the Space Monster (1965), Mars Need Women (1966), Night Caller
from Outer Space (1966), Star Trek's 'The Menagerie' (1967),
God Told Me To (1976), The Stranger Within (1979). The most
critically praised work was Village of the Damned (1960) and it
involved the impregnation of a whole village of women who subsequently
give birth to hybrid offspring. The actual act of insemination is not visualised
and one would not expect it to be, given the more modest sensibilities
of that time. The graphic nature of Inseminoid, Intruders
and Secret Life share in the coarser aesthetics of more recent times.
The hairless humanoid is virtually stereotypical
and outnumbers creative and exotic variants by a wide margin. The high
tech. table conforms to our expectations of the futuristic quality of alien
possessions. The suggestion of mind control is similarly futuristic and
preceded by a long tradition in films, TV, comics, and SF literature.
The embryos being visualised as 'little
round things' is not mandatory since we could imagine implantation of a
larger, more fetal appearing hybrid, but it doesn't buck the odds for both
creations to choose the simpler or smaller form.
I think one can see from this exercise
that alien abduction experiences are not beyond human imagination. In fact
it seems quite probable that Jacobs' collection of stories are fundamentally
as fictional as Inseminoid for there is one more similarity they share.
They both require dramatic license to work.
Any alien sophisticated enough to be
able to make an earthling carry alien biological tissue without miscarriage
is probably going to be able to make the embryo grow in their own bodies
or incubation devices. They would probably not be dumb enough to choose
humans with their myriad faults as ideal surrogates. Might there also not
be better lifeforms to merge with? Dogs have a rather winning, emotional,
loving demeanour. Finally, would aliens return an impregnated woman to
the hazards of human society rather than keep her under controlled conditions?
Inseminoid would never take place in real life. Neither would Secret
Look at some abductees and you might
conclude aliens have no standards in their selection of breeding stock.
However there is at least one case of an abductee being 'thrown back'.
Alfred Burtoo, 77, was fishing on the Basington Canal Bank in the county
of Hampshire, England on August 12, 1983 when he witnessed a saucer landing
and two figures waving for him to come inside. They ordered him to stand
under a light and turn around. After a few minutes deliberation, they tell
him, "You can go, you are too old and too infirm for our purpose."
Cinematic aliens offer a rather severe
precursor of this motif. Nyah, Devil Girl from Mars (1955), annihilates
a handicapped man as her first act on Earth. Asked later if she knew if
the guy was alive, she tersely informs the questioner, "No, he was superfluous,
a hopeless specimen." Her opinion of an aging scientist among the contact
group wasn't any more tactful: "You are a very poor physical specimen."
She reveals her world had experienced a decline in the birth rate since
women won the War of the Sexes and so she planned to land in London, paralyse
the population, and choose our strongest men to take back with her. London
would not be my first choice for shopping for breeding stock, but it still
beats the places 'real' aliens have been visiting. For example, if you
were going to land in Florida, would you select Gulf Breeze or Fort Lauderdale
during Spring Break when thousands of perfect specimens conveniently gather
for one-stop shopping?