This is a cult film and as such is an
acquired taste. Here, the style is high art and the
plot as mad as a bag of frogs, unfathomable and the
journey of the central character deeply internal, and
unenviable. When you find out that your missing wife
wanted 'to find the secrets inside her body' and don't
find it odd - you are a character in a Dario Argento
film, or thereabouts on the art house cult film
spectrum. But this delight has drawn from more than
the cult film canon without it really showing to the
uninitiated. The opening credits are Gasper Noe
as is the bold brave delivery of message; De Palmer
and Brunel are here in the use of imagery and some of
the more psychedelic mad sequences are straight out of
Jacob's Ladder - the film that gave us Tim Robbins.
The score incidentally is simply and sublimely superb.
We are used to the Tarrantino or Scorsese approach to
matching content to music, but these guys have chosen,
mostly Enno Morricone, a genius in film scoring.
The duo responsible for this treat of the senses are
the very same who brought us Amer - the strict three
act structured homage film to Tenebrae the infamous
Giallo classic made so by its inclusion on the list of
1980s 'video nasties.' Amer' was well received by
those who love this kind of thing, but was though
problematic: it had no dialogue whatsoever, relaying
the journey and tensions of the central character via
a sequence of collated images which worked for the
first act (which was an act of great tension inducing
loveliness and promise) but couldn't be maintained. At
best the film was considered intriguing or fascinating
by learned critics - but outside of the homage canon,
it just didn't cut the mustard.
The length of time spent on the construction of
'Strange' shows: there is also a lot drawn from
Polanski in particular with the confines of a big
attractive house and its kooky residents resembling
'The Tenant' one of the best of Roman's work. The Old
Mad Woman in the Attic mythology is done to a fine
turn in the guise of a laced and dark silhouette of a
woman of mystery. The mystery here is key to the way
the film works - Giallo films loan from cheap
detective fiction and clunky plot, here the mystery is
within the house, the past life of the house, the
yearnings of the tenants, the sexual frustrations of
the men who investigate the women in the house with
imagery and references to magic and puzzles thrown in
for extra sumptuousness. Delightful, but again,
it helps if the viewer knows their stuff.
Not for the squeamish and certainly better with
repeated viewing, this better trip into the dark
recesses of sexual psychology and its painful power is
as compelling as it is odd. It is as well that the
viewer knows the art house backstory of its
predecessors as this has been created by two very film
literate beings that love the genre it has derived
from. The inanimate as spooked is derived from
J-Horror and the appreciation of the house as manifest
evil is Amityville and The Shining. The name of the
missing woman is 'Laura' the name of a great and good
film noir with Vincent Price where, again, the missing
wench is the source of all the trouble - especially
for the main man Dan, here played with tortured
conviction by Klaus Tange. The main males are
interchangabe in looks and motive: the past tenant
with a beard, the landlord, the detective and Dan
himself could all be the same sexually frustrated
bloke keen to learn the secrets of female sexuality,
that just so happen to be embedded in the walls of a
deeply interesting house.
The cinematography follows the themes perfectly with
the notion constantly that there is a viewer watching
Dan from above - one particular sequence when he is
just tidying up a space around his couch is given the
artistic flair normally associated with a scene of
greater significance, but this isn't at all wasted.
The sound FX are great but can grate, especially the
nagging buzzer on the front door of Dan's flat, no
doubt from someone, or something wanting to come in.
'Strange' does though lack the essential elements of
Berbarian Sound Studio another Giallo homage film of
recent times where the main male lead (played
beautifully well by Toby Jones) has a life and a
backstory that help discern the odd and nasty in the
mind of the protagonist, with Dan this is not the
case. His consistent reassurance of his work in
telecommunications is not backed up with any
experience of normalcy as shown to the viewer and this
is a mistake. The comparison the real life and the
life of the house we are not given and this is a flaw,
but not sufficient to detract from the overall
artistic merit of the piece.