Dir. Antonio D'Ambrosio. U.S. 2012.

Talking Pictures alias talkingpix.co.uk







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Antonio D'Ambrosio's social documentary borrows its title from a famous Clash lyric 'Let fury have the hour, anger can be power. You know that we can use it'

That group's leader, Joe Strummer, was a very vocal orator of social problems before his untimely death.  Strummer would approve of this new documentary by the American director.  Let Fury Have The Hour is a 90 minute film that chronicles the a generation of artists from across all spectrums (directors, musicians, comedians) and how the content of their material has altered and shifted in reaction to the politics within their subsequent cultures.

The film starts with Margaret Thatcher giving a speech to her fellow Tories at conference, and then is quickly followed by her ally Ronald Reagan doing likewise to his convention.  You fear that the film may be a little bit one-eyed but then the mixture of voices and people who either talk or shout at the camera are so vast, it feels as if you are being pummelled by various opinions all at once.  The point being that in the film, each person of the 50 or so individuals each believe we can change the world we live in if we live by what they claim to be the solution.

There in lies the problem with the film, once everyone has had their two cents of material, the film does not know in which direction it is meant to turn - should remain objective and let the comments hang in the air, or should it be like Michael Moore/Morgan Spurlock and have a message and conclusion to support the time invested in the running time by the audience.

Featuring a stirring soundtrack by those musicians who speak - Tom Morello, Chuck D of Public Enemy, Billy Bragg, Gogol Bordello, MC5 and DJ Spooky to mention a few.

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Jamie Garwood

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