The release of this documentary feature
could not be timelier - on the back of the Oscar
winning film Dallas Buyers Club, covering some of the
same territory of an unmedical, novice and untrained
dying populace, taking matters into their own hands.
Early AIDS activism is here presented with real super
8 footage of the loved, the dying and of the men who
mattered to the campaign.
With both features, all of the requisite emotional
button pressers are there: the powers that be just
don't understand the first-hand experience of watching
loved ones die. To parallel the emotional power, in
'Plague' there is the intermittent run of stats as the
years skip by. In an ideal world these two films
should be played back to back as a double feature to
all medical staff and universities - everywhere as
part of training. Act-Up, the early AIDS patient
advocacy activism and its struggles with the status
quo, bigotry and general unease with homosexuality.
"These were young, vibrant people who were being
snatched" claims one commentator about a world and
atmosphere where "everybody became scientists."
The opening sequences are like watching concentration
camp footage: emaciated bodies in the latter throes of
life are presented - funeral homes would not take the
dead bodies and they were put in black trash bags. The
political landscape is distressing: real time footage
shows the treatment of activists by the police, and of
course the 'gay disease' was seen by the zealous right
wing as a sign from god of the evil of their sexual
practices. A sensitive voice in the film an activist
that dies during the duration of Act-Up fiercest
campaign curve, makes the point, " a decent
society, what do you do about people who eat, smoke,
drink too much or didn't practice safe sex….?" During
one protest there were 185 arrests, so it would appear
that this is the answer. The Catholic Church
predictably condemns the use of condoms and Senator
Jesse Helms pleads for homosexuals to 'get their
mentality out of their crotches.'
There are stand out heroes: Iris Long, is a retired
chemist who provides the scientific impetus and
credulity to the campaign, and a particular force is
Bob Rafsky - a PR guy who didn't come out until his
forties. The major players are all clever, talented
and very self-aware individuals that have the awful
business of having their lifestyle and community
threatened with extinction "we are in the middle of a
plague" cries one angry speaker whilst trying to bring
order and focus to an unsettled and argumentative
meeting of activists: Act-Up splits eventually with
splinter groups claiming differing focus.
This is a slice of social history that should be on
everyone's shelf as living proof of the capability of
a community to preserve itself. It stands up to
multiple viewing. Heart rendering and illuminative.