A critique on a selection of releases of the
year is offered as an insight into what Britain had to
offer. Written in order of preference - reversed,
least preferred first.
We Are the Freaks , Hello Carter , We Still Kill the
Old Way , Cuban Fury , Downhill
We Are the Freaks
Director: Justin
Edgar 80mins
There is what this film would like to be, rather what
it aspired to and the final result. This film is a
waste of the time of the watcher - it should never
have been made. Trainspotting was a UK runaway success
which was less slacker movie and more of an
anti-consumerist/conformist statement with drugs as
convenient diversion from the inevitable leap into
maturity. Human Traffic flowed on the success and
heels of Trainspotting, a lesser work, but with rich
characterisation and a bird's eye view into the Acid
House scene of Britain in the 1990s, besides, who can
resist John Sim?
We are the Freaks lacks a single redeeming feature and
is without doubt one of the worst films of 2014. Not
one of the characters is likeable, is empathetic, has
a journey or story arc, so consequently the whole
shebang is a bit flat. No-one learns anything - the
proposition isn't there to challenge anyone - so what
we have is a mix of unlikeable characters occupying a
screen for over an hour irritating the living
daylights out of us. The difficulty with this film is
that is does depressingly, mirror the 'me' generation
of today - the one that has a really mad mindset of
all deservingness being a right and not earned. The
only reference to this is made by a parent who in
trying to reach their offspring uses Syd Vicious as
paragon of hard work as example to emulate. It may
well be that this was done deliberately by the writer
to show just how out of touch with their children the
parents are. However, this film is set in the 1990s
and as such is twenty years too late to use a messed
up nihilist as example - even if it were relevant. The
characters are posed as careless as though this in
itself were interesting.
The US Slacker films were a treat in the nineties and
noughties. Clerks, Chasing Amy, Swingers, Ghost World
- all were films depicting kids or young adults with
not much to do but observe life but did so whilst
occupying a story with an element of development and
they (the characters) had some beauty and grace in
making boredom and confusion the utterly consuming and
limiting creatures that they are. Wrestling with
the inner demons getting in the way of character
development is the stuff of Shakespeare with Henry V
having spent Henries Parts One & Two going through
the motions of getting drunk and laid only to find it
absolutely vital in the journey in becoming a King. So
were the rejections of morons. The preoccupations of
geeks and freaks maybe what the film had in mind, had
there been a central character with a dream to deal
We are kind of given this with our main man Jack -
Jamie Blackley carrying an envelope with what could or
could not be a college offer, with a whim towards a
girl who can play the piano and cello (yeah, right).
Here the film thinks its Saturday Night Fever - but
without the coherence in character or narrative.
The focus of this young man's attention is not a girl
from the other side of the tracks but is an equally
messed up creature, who like the rest of them take
drugs to feel different or edgy. The youngster
who has a perverse fixation on Margaret Thatcher
(Parsons, played by Mike Bailey)is the most
interesting with the worst parents and girlfriend in
the world. However, his storyline revolves around
having his penis trapped in the vagina of his
girlfriend and it getting ripped. His friend, another
slightly more interesting character 'Killer Colin' -
an Irish nutter (Michael Smiley) sticks up for him
against his parents in the unlikeliest scene in any
living room with not a hint of a phone call to the
police. The so called posh kid we know is posh because
he has never had to work for anything and is therefore
jaded and reckless - Chunks is the worst of all of
them with his over exaggerated mannerisms grating from
the moment he is on screen. Sean Teale is a good
looking young chap and this film with the attendant
hairdo he has to adorn does nothing for his CV at all.
He spends most of the film being objectionable with
his tongue hanging out of his face. The nineties was
not a time for punk clothing and make up but this is
his style and there is never any explanation for
anther misplaced reference point to the wrong era. The
sense of time is covered only by the television
footage of Thatcher's demise; there is no indication
in the music which was pretty great at the time and at
the height of a BritCult curve. The conclusion is
unsatisfactory and overall this is a film to avoid.
Hello Carter Director: Anthony
Wilcox 81mins
This is a small British film, told mostly in
flashback, with our hero lying in the road after the
credits have rolled in front of a sweeping London
skyline. London, is incidentally the biggest star of
the film, with the rest of the cast either under or
over acting to a clunky plot which is practically
identical to the John Cleese vehicle 'Clockwise.' We
are slightly intrigued as to how this appealing young
man got to this position and eighteen hours prior to
this point then unfolds. Carter (an unlikely name for
a British guy) is sleeping on his brother's small
front room floor on an inflatable mattress. He has
been made redundant and previously lost his American
(sigh) girlfriend, Kelly.
The rest of the story/plot is about his attempt, via
the acquisition of her new phone number to get her
back. Right here there was the idea for a great
romantic comedy. Men, as is the case with country and
western songs believe that the love of a good woman is
the very fix all potion that puts the rest into place
whilst women often think that it is a man that fucks
everything up for them. Going after this central
premise would have been great. As it is, the film
diversifies greatly from romantic reasoning and turns
into a kind of caper movie/chain reaction film. This
is not to say that the film does not throw up some
endearing characters - by far the best of these is
Carter's Aunt (Judy Parfitt)who is about as eccentric
as they get (the dotty old English that is)and should
please the Americans. But this is obviously what this
film is setting its stall out to do complete with the
inclusion of a good looking Lancastrian a la Daphne
Moon from Frasier in the shape and form of 'Jenny'
played by the sumptuous Jodie Whittaker.
Carter meets his ex-girlfriends' brother
co-incidentally on the tube (hmm, fat chance but never
mind) who is a psychotic b movie actor with issues
about his failing career. Aaron (Paul Schneider) is
very intense and watchable, not to mention extremely
good looking. This is on the same day that Carter has
an interview with a recruitment agent. Here is another
good film in the making. Recruitment agents in London
control massive percentages of the workflow to the
needy and ambitious and the film could have been set
to this undernourished arena. In a conversation
with Jenny - Carter hints at what he is looking for:
to go to a desk every day, go home, have colleagues
and meet people. A homeless Carter could have had
countless appointments finding his USP in a kind of
vocational British Groundhog Day whilst living in the
car park of the agency. The treatment of Carter's CV
is spot on as is the self-involvement of London
This is why the rest of the film is so darned unlikely
and screams for its own release as soon as the
spiralling mayhem starts. The associate characters
would just run a mile rather than be the bit part
accomplices in something that would take some risk or
character. Everyone on the tube avoids eye contact;
no-one in the wildest imaginings would get involved in
the high jacking of a baby. The film just tries too
hard in its representation of a fistful of caricatures
fighting their way through a confused script and need
to tick a box of clichés - including caper cliché. Of
course there has to be an eccentric older person with
a cat, who has a house that would appeal to an
American audience. Kensington would have to be the
focus of this address; the film just couldn't have an
older woman occupy a house in say, Clapham - which is
just as unobtainable for most Londoners now. The
representation of London as a city full of fruitcakes
is right enough but this is not dark enough. IN truth,
those from the north of England are different and have
a different take on the big city and this could have
been tapped into more as it is relevant to the story
and the relative compatibilities of Carter and Jenny
as fish out of water.
There is a very odd and dissatisfying ending with a
reference made to the connectivity of human beings
with on screen fuzziness appearing when there is a bad
connection via mobile phones. Of course, this covers
some of the credible territory of 'Friends' - where
the fucked up and loser-like without a job can still
manage to maintain life as they knew it - when in
reality, without work in London, life is likely to be
hell and no-one finds you attractive. Playing this
card a bit more would have borne meaningful fruit.
There are a couple of really good films in Hello
Carter had some of the good things it occasionally
throws up been fleshed into a script. Unfortunately
the sum total of Hello Carter, as it is, isn’t it.
Hello Carter is on general cinema release from 5th
We Still Kill The Old Way Director:
Sacha Bennett
This is following on from the traditions
of The Krays, Harry Brown, Sexy Beast, and 44 Inch
Chest. They all have in common old school Cockney Hard
Man values that just refuse to die. Everyone knows
that The Long Good Friday is the very best British
Gangster film ever, with the moderns having Sexy Beast
as pinnacle and The Business as low point. This
has been released within the distant echo of the news
of Mad Frankie Fraser's death. For those who did not
know, Mad Frankie was one of The Richardson Gang - the
South East London nutters that rivalled The Krays -
Ron & Reg in the 1960s. These men were infamous
for the appropriation of hard core violence on their
own if they got a bit lairy and rival gang members if
they got a bit umpty.
The acts of violence are the stuff of legend and the
depiction thereof known as Gangster Chic - is where
the perpetrators carry out such acts as electrocuting
genitalia and pulling out nails (fingernails) with
crow bars by day and by night prance about in a well
styled suit and the contrast is presented with gloss
and no moral judgement. Goodfellas was Gangster Chic
from across the water and Marty has confessed to have
loved The Krays and drawn from it. Not just cinema has
known this Brit Cult phenomenon: The Long Firm was the
television adaptation of a series of short novellas
covering the fictitious life of a homosexual gangster
Harry Stark, played wonderfully by Mark Strong. All of
them hark from the mythology of the Krays where the
local community felt protected and preserved by the
fear that these characters inspired in petty local
thieves and nasty pieces of work that may just need
putting in their place. There was also rampant fear
inspired on local shops to give perpetrating gangsters
protection money to keep the peace- whether they could
afford it or not.
According to old school cockneys - whom one will hear
now and again in some of the pubs in London, talking
about how the real Kray brothers loved their mother,
back in the day, one could leave their door open,
everyone felt safe and the villains keeping the peace
only were violent to those that deserved it. We Still
Kill the Old Way pitches these value systems against
the new fears instilled in the ghettos of modern
council estates. This is not the first time this has
been done. The amazing Harry Brown did the same: but
HB was a vigilante story in the old framework of the
1970s Deathwish and Harry Callaghan detective stories
where there was virtuousness presenting the moral
order. Harry Brown was an old soldier coming to terms
with the pointlessness of the violence of today as
opposed to his time spent in Northern Ireland being
about something. Here the mores are the same in kid
and old villain, but there is a contest between who
has the better style and methodology. There is never
any question that the murder of Charlie is nasty,
brutal and perpetrated as a come on by the new order
to show who's boss. However there are so many problems
with this story, which sharpened could have made this
the commentary on violence old and new that it could
have been.
What made Sexy Beast wonderful is that the film wasn't
really a gangster flick but a romance. The characters
of Gary and Dee Dee (played by Ray Winstone and Amanda
Redman), are under threat after leaving the old crap
behind in London with the arrival of Don (Ben
Kingsley) to shake their world and happiness. The
opening sequence implies that the character of Richie
has done the same: he lives in Spain and has his
daughter with him. The focus is on London and on the
characters that Richie (Ian Ogilvy - still a very
handsome man) left behind, including his brother
Charlie, played by Steven Berkoff (who co-incidentally
played George Cornell in The Krays). The world is very
different and under threat: a thoroughly nasty piece
of work - Aaron (Danny-Boy Hatchard) terrorising
everyone in his path is a Don in development. Aaron
comes from an intergeneration of council estate losers
with no education though this is never articulated.
The gang culture and focus upon technology as
substitute is there, again but not articulated. The
film implies that there is no respect due to these
elements but hasn't got the heart to present this as
reasoning for the violence in the revenge of Charlie's
death. The downside of the nihilism isn't there
because the up side of the love isn't either.
There is a desperate need for a bit of flashback to a
hot and steamy night way back when between the younger
Richie and Lizzie that they both remember and still
think about wistfully.
The relationship between Lizzie (a still very
beautiful Lysette Anthony), and Richie is very
unchartered territory with these two holding a torch
for each other after years have swept by with nothing
done to spark the flame. Centring the film instead
around these two would have made the sense of threat
double in the first act, making the viewer root for
the old villains more. The film suffers for
having a lack of moral core. It tries to have the
sympathies weighted in the favour of the old guys and
old ways, but what we have to represent this is the
relationship between the two brothers, which is
slender, and the interchanges between the female cop
(Anouska Mond) and Richie. By the time we get to
the capture of the new order - we are gratified to a
certain extent in their torture but it's execution is
not convincing. Far better would have been the
employment of a new set of younger men paid for by the
old order, so that they could watch without having to
lift a finger. This would have given the film a
bit of what Hostel has to offer: the idea that
psychotic behaviours can be delivered by those paying
for it and be masturbatory material for the voyeur.
Lizzie and Richie having great reunion sex whilst the
'kids on the block' got their comeuppance would have
been a film to rival 'Performance' for weirdness,
nastiness and gratification through sex and violence
played out equally and unashamedly.
As it is - we've seen it all done before, but better.
Great to see Ian Ogilvy though, truly unforgettably
dashing in Witchfinder General and still scorching
We Still Kill The Old Way is out on DVD
Cuban Fury Director: James Griffiths
Earlier this year, Cuban Fury was released on the
Studio Canal label and this was a bit of a surprise.
It is not a serious affair or a foreign art house
usually associated with the distribution company. The
film unashamedly follows in the tradition of Fame,
Footloose, Flashdance, Strictly Ballroom and Dirty
Dancin.' Salsa is MASSIVE in London with enormous
amounts of guys in the city going out there finding
their feet literally on the dance floor in the hopes
that this will bring them closer to women. And, yes it
does. Women love men that can dance - and this film
cleverly taps its way into the dichotomy of this
well-known fact with the other well-known fact that
men think men that can dance are 'gay.' There is a
story in here that is reminiscent of the ugly ducking
into swan sub plot of Strictly Ballroom thrown in for
good measure as well as starring the best of the salsa
dancers that London has to offer. With the story
plodding along as an ordinary Joe rooting for the
girl, it never seems as though it does much more than
have us root for the bloke in a boy boxing above his
weight scenario. But the film almost ignites the
screen - and often.
The dancing high points of the film just thrill and
show off the excitement, pleasure and addiction of
dancing felt by those that practice. Attendees of the
Peacock Theatre in London and/or Saddlers Wells, know
what it is to feel this level of contagious
exuberance. Dance is used as metaphor for the bravery
to live - just as it was in 'Strictly' and this film
is likely to have a cult following with dancers, gay
scene and with women. The backstory is told in the
opening credits with a championship kid knocked off
his pedestal by some nasty bullies that have broken
his self-esteem and love of dance: the implication
being that he is a puff because he can dance. The poor
duck is not the same thereafter. Nick Frost, the usual
side kick of Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead/Hot
Fuzz/Paul), is Bruce, an overweight chap that is also
a bit of a geek. His new boss is a gorgeous American
woman - Julia, played by Rashida Jones (The Social
Network) The film has a great cast: Ian McShane is on
fine form as the dance teacher, sexy, sleazy and
cruel. Intermittently he emasculates Bruce for not
following his passion - deliberately and rightly
appealing to his wounded pride at letting the opinion
of others get between him and what he wants. Salsa may
be for pussies but giving it up makes you a bigger
one. Of course as is always the case with Frost -
there has to be a truth finding session which involves
referencing some pop culture: his masculinity returns
when he can do 'Say Hello to My Little Friend'
Scarface impersonation.
Finding out that his boss does Salsa, Bruce gets back
into it with the help of his friends and sister,
played by the eternally excellent Olivia
Coleman. The classes are a bit like F Murray
Abrahams walking back into the fencing class in By the
Sword with an old hand finding his way back into his
skill by starting back at the bottom. The dance
off in the car park with the rival in the office for
his boss - played by Chris O Dowd is very deftly
handled and must have taken some practice and
shooting. In the special features, Nick confesses to
the desire to at all times give the dance and the
dancers' credit and to treat it with respect. The
whole film works its way to a big showcase finale - as
do all dance films and it doesn't disappoint. It
was originally planned to be shot in Miami, but it
does work in London. The extras are all professionals
in their field and this shows in the final work with
actors and extras, dancers and non-dancers blending
well, seamlessly to exciting result. A big smile of a
film which will be enjoyed over and over by those who
decide to buy it.
Cuban Fury is available on DVD on Amazon.
Downhill Director: James Rouse
Of all British features released this year, Downhill
is the best. It is comparable with Withnail and I -
the character of Julian almost replicating that played
by Richard E Grant all those years ago for drunken
vitriolic sharp observer, not willing to hold back on
what needs saying. The title is wordplay: the story
follows the trek of four friends that had taken the
very same trip 20 years earlier and are walking Coast
to Coast from Cumbria to Yorkshire, 192 miles. It far
from goes smoothly - or to plan. They expect to do it
as seamlessly and with as much willing pleasure and
energy as they did when in their twenties. The first
truth about this wonderful bitter sweet comedy drama
is the diversity of characters and how accurate this
would be in life.
Three of the four are married; one a complete
undiplomatic nutter due to the fact there has been no
one to censor him: one of them confesses to being gay
and unhappily married to a woman. All of them are
living with life's disappointments which come out at
various points of the journey as and when there is a
test of some sort. The film has taken little to
produce. The cast is small, there is the technique of
fly on the wall documentary which is pulled off with
effortless ease, and we get staggeringly beautiful
countryside - complete with weather thrown in. The
film also shows the British public house off at its
best and is one of our most exportable features: those
that think London offers this kind of authenticity is
sorely mistaken. These charming places won't have
changed in hundreds of years and here the staffs are
likely to be English.
The men Gordon (Richard Lumsden), Keith (Karl
Theobald), Steve (Jeremy Swift), and the brilliant
Julian (Ned Dennehy) are fatter, less idealistic and
with attendant problems. They each in turn has intense
conversations with spouses on route which is being
filmed by Luke, Gordon's son who has been brought
along to document the trip. This film is just so good,
it makes the viewer believe all the time that the
moments being filmed in secret are just that and the
camera acts as soliloquy. Only we and the main leads
know the full extent of the problems that they have,
unless the confessions are public. After a phone
confessional with his wife, the otherwise very stolid
Keith whilst very drunk tells the others that he is
queer, goes out for a wee and tells us all 'I'm queer
and covered in piss.'
The situations and embarrassments are very realistic
and it is very apparent that we are in the presence of
professionals in the comedy genre knowing exactly just
what note to strike - hitting at all times the balance
between drama/comedy and pathos. This just has to be
compulsory viewing for Americans. They do feature in
the guise of two twenty something girls that join
these troubled men for a leg of their journey only for
one of them to make advances when drunk. The beer is
almost near enough to touch it and feel it - the
authenticity of the locations is right on the money:
real ale with real life pouring out. Anyone watching
this film will want a pint of Wizard's Sleeve
immediately afterwards. There is genuine emotion,
loss, fear and regret felt by all of the characters at
some point in the journey - as well as the physical
stuff that happens like throwing up the morning after
the night before and the acquisition of blisters and
The male midlife crisis was last done to good effect
in City Slickers - the US film with Billy Crystal and
Jack Palance. This is by far superior with the hurt of
lost pride, opportunity and vim and a sense of wonder
at where the time goes all almost tangible. The music
is spot on, a bit folksy, very English and not
overdone. The plot is split into a narrative with
chapters focusing on each of the characters and events
that reveal something about the lives and
personalities of the men and their lot. There is also
a lot of love, years and forgiveness between them.
Buy, watch and see absolute masters at their craft.
Downhill is simply flawless: simply superb.