As usual my
aim for this October’s moviefest (for once not sponsored by The Times,
so we are deprived of the free copy to pick up) was to pick out four or
five interesting-looking films from the 200-odd on offer. Of my
first five choices, however, I had a prior engagement when Of Gods And
Men was to be screened, while the early risers had already cleaned up
all available tickets for Mandelson: The Real PM?, Never Let Me Go, the
270-minute Mysteries of Lisbon, and the exotic Thai drama Uncle Boonmee
Who Can Recall His Past Lives. Fortunately most of these should
have an early theatrical release. This left me with the
following selection, a sort of second XI (or second V) although Rite of
Spring was always going to be on my list.
Everything Must Go
Dan Rush) Film adaptations of novels usually work out
at around 3 or 4 pages per minute of film. So I was intrigued to
see how Raymond Carver’s 6-page short story Why Don’t You Dance?, about
an alcoholic who finds himself locked out of his house with all his
possessions on the front lawn, could be stretched much beyond a
2-minute short. This was done by greatly expanding the story, or
rather by using the situation as a starting-point for what becomes
basically a gentle comedy. Will Ferrell is an admirable
anti-hero, with strong support from British actress Rebecca Hall as a
neighbour. This film could well prove very popular, provided it
gets a theatrical release, which has not yet happened even in the
US. Nerds may spot an unusual “movie mistake”: the Ferrell
character’s name is different in the credits. The director
explained in a Q & A session that the name was changed from that in
the original script, but everybody forgot to change the credits!
Love Like Poison
Quillevere) Don’t the French do family drama
brilliantly? This first feature is about 14-year-old Anna (Clara
Augarde, excellent) staying on holiday in a strongly Catholic village
on the Brittany coast with her mother and grandfather. Her faith
is being challenged both by the deaths of two people she is close to,
and by the sexual advances of a younger boy. She is also given to
fainting at times of high emotion. Her clearly depressed mother
rages against her estranged husband, while the
sympathetically-portrayed local Italian priest tries to cope with these
various traumas. One of those French offerings which wipes the
spots off anything Hollywood can offer in similar vein.
The Princess Of Montpensier
(Bertrand Tavernier) A middlebrow historical epic from veteran
director Tavernier, set at the time of the 16th century “Wars of
Religion” and based on what was almost the very first French novel (by
Madame de Lafayette). With lots of love interest, some highly
violent battle scenes, and sweeping camerawork, it is the kind of film
that draws huge audiences in France and respectable ones in the UK
(e.g. La Reine Margot). Melanie Thierry is an eye-catching Marie
in the title role, loving one man but forced to marry another.
The way women were treated at the time is paralleled by the fact that
Mme. de Lafayette had to remain anonymous as the author, as women were
not supposed to be doing things like writing novels.
Rite Of Spring
(Manoel de Oliveira) This revival of a 1963 production by the
amazing Portuguese director, who (at almost 102) has a career spanning
nearly 80 years, is a kind of quasi-documentary about a Passion Play,
based on a centuries-old text, performed in a rural village.
“Quasi” because, while they are authentic villagers performing an
authentic medieval play, it is clear that a lot of preparation had gone
into the filming (we occasionally see not just a few onlookers, but
also the camera crew), and the characters are filmed as they would be
in a fiction film. In fact this is a record not of the annual
performance, but of a specially reconstructed performance. The
lack of obvious microphones and the fact that it is all open-air means
that the performers have to shout, or loudly sing, their lines, though
I detected some post-dubbing at times. So we have a 20th century
film of a 16th century play about 1st century events, filmed like, and
yet unlike, a documentary (very self-reflexive, anticipating the films
of Abbas Kiarostami). Just as the film is about to end, Oliveira
unexpectedly adds some old newsreel shots making clear his particular
take on the Passion.
Silent Souls (Aleksei
Fedorchenko) One of those contemplative Russian films set far
from city life and usually described as “Tarkovskian” (see The Return,
Koktebel, The Island, etc.). Based on a short story called “The
Buntings”, because of the cage birds which one of the two main
characters insists on carrying around with him and which are
responsible for a sudden and unexpected finale, this beautifully-shot
road-movie concerns a man travelling to bury his wife who asks his
bird-loving friend to accompany him. The film is actually a kind
of requiem for an almost-lost way of life, lived by an ethnic Finnish
group absorbed into Russia centuries ago. The strange customs
shown in the film are presumably authentic.